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Managing Dry Eye in Everyday Practice (CPD)

<p><strong><strong>C-100251</strong>. This course is worth&nbsp;1 non-interactive CET point for&nbsp;</strong><strong>Optometrists & Dispensing Opticians (Communication, Clinical Practice) & Contact Lens Opticians (Speciality</strong>)<strong>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Dry eye and tear film disorders commonly present in optometric practice. In many instances early symptoms are often ignored or misinterpreted by patients and/or appropriate management is not provided to these patients. With reference to the TFOS DEWS II Report this course will highlight how to carry out an accurate assessment of the tear film and ocular surface, along with appropriate management options to enable a more successful and earlier intervention to be made within the course of a routine patient examination<strong>.</strong>
<p>This course is made up of five sections. Each section takes between approximately 10 and 20 minutes to complete. To obtain 1 CPD&nbsp;point you must complete the modules&nbsp;and pass the assessment with a score of &gt;60%.&nbsp;You will only have&nbsp;one&nbsp;attempt&nbsp;to pass this assessment.&nbsp;Upon completion of this course, a certificate will automatically be sent to your registered email. Please ensure you save this email as you will need to upload it as evidence when you are logging your CPD on your online.

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Meet the speaker(s)

Coming soon – the speaker lineup is still being finalized. Check back with us soon for details.