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Pay Attention to Retention (CPD)

<p> <strong><strong>C-100250</strong>. This course is worth&nbsp;1 non-interactive CPD&nbsp;point for Optometrists & Dispensing Opticians (Communication, Clinical Practice) & Contact Lens Opticians (Speciality)</strong><strong>.&nbsp;</strong>This distanced based CPD&nbsp;session, delivers a deeper understanding of contact lens dropout and the underlying reasons why patients discontinue which can inform our management strategies for keeping patients, whether new or established, young or presbyopic, in contact lenses. Many strategies and in-practice tools are available that can easily be implemented to encourage retention and leave your patients in long term successful lens wear.&nbsp;To obtain 1 CPD&nbsp;point you must complete the modules&nbsp;and pass the assessment with a score of &gt;60%.&nbsp;You will only have&nbsp;one&nbsp;attempt&nbsp;to pass this assessment.&nbsp;Upon completion of this course, a certificate will automatically be sent to your registered email. Please ensure you save this email as you will need to upload it as evidence when you are logging your CPD on your online MyCPD account.&nbsp;

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Meet the speaker(s)

Coming soon – the speaker lineup is still being finalized. Check back with us soon for details.