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STEP® News


STEP® Journey Updates

STEP® Pre-Reg is designed to run alongside the Scheme for Registration and allow you to progress at a pace that suits your own Pre-Reg placement.

Stage 1

  • The first online module to complete is the Introduction to STEP® Pre-Reg module, which then opens up the FIRST STEPS module. Both modules need to be completed to allow you to book onto Virtual class 1. · Completion of the Introduction to STEP® Pre-Reg module will also generate an invitation to the STEP® Pre-Reg Clinical Skills Day which is an in-person workshop hosted at the Johnson & Johnson Institute in Wokingham.
  • Virtual class 1: soft contact lenses is a compulsory interactive online session via zoom that works through a contact lens aftercare case scenario.
  • Once the Virtual class 1 has been completed you can open up the STEPPING STONES module. This contains the bulk of the STEP® online content with a separate section for each of the 8 competency groups within the Scheme for Registration framework. Completion of this module will allow you to access Stage 2 support.

Stage 2

  • Virtual class 2: direct observation virtual class is designed to help you prepare for the direct observation elements within the Stage 2 assessment. It is a compulsory class and attendance will allow you to book onto the OSCE Preparation Course.
  • Patient scenarios virtual class (Stage 2 overarching support) is an optional virtual class that is designed to help you prepare for the overarching assessment by reviewing case records.


  • The OSCE Preparation Course gives you actual experience of doing an OSCE circuit, followed by one-to-one feedback from STEP® faculty, most of whom are College of Optometrists assessors and examiners. Invites to this course are generated on completion of virtual class 2.
  • There are two OSCE preparation tutorials which are interactive online sessions hosted via zoom. One focuses on data interpretation and practical stations and the other focuses on history and symptoms and communication stations.


STEP® Help Section - Common Queries


I can't find the modules...

STEP® learning is found in the STEP® UK folder within your Mycourses section on this link: Click Here to access your STEP® courses

You will need to set your role profile to 'Student' to access the learning. This can be changed here:

I need to cancel / rebook or change a session

Sessions can be cancelled or amended up to 24 hours ahead of the event. If you unable to attend at short notice, all non-attendees are AUTOMATICALLY re-enrolled within 72 hours. After this time, you can login to your account and book onto another session.

Where is the link for my class?

This can be found in

  • Your confirmation email
  • Your reminder email (sent 24 hours ahead of the class)
  • On the booking page in the mycourse section of JJVPro

Still having problems?

Email us at [email protected] for any other queries.