When life demands more, offer your patients ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day

Available for Sphere and Multifocal
Do your patients need better comfort and vision from their
contact lenses?
Do they need excellent clarity from their contact lenses
outdoors or while looking at screens?
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX is proving popular with patients regarding comfort and vision in comparison to its direct competitors
S. Mackie. Optometrist
My eyes feel 10 years younger!
A. Edmonds. Optometrist and MAX wearerOffer your patients the performance of ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day†1
Crisp, clear vision in all lighting conditions,‡2 and all day comfort†1
† n≥449.‡ n≥172.
TearStable™ Technology

Designed to lock in moisture on the surface and
throughout the lens3 for all day comfort*1
Improved end of day comfort, versus ACUVUE®
OASYS 1-Day1
Excellent visual clarity and comfort. The end of the
day comfort is excellent and they are easy to fit
What does TearStableTM Technology
mean for your patients?
Wearers of ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day are
2.3× less likely to report feelings of very dry
eyes at the end of the day*†4
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day with TearStableTM
Technology is our first and only contact lens
material designed to prolong tear-film stability5
Lenses are made using a state-of-the-art
manufacturing process3
This process incorporates a tear-film like
wetting agent and hydrated silicones in a way
that provides enhanced tear-film stability and
moisture retention between blinks3,5,6
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day reduces
evaporation by nearly 2× vs DAILIES TOTAL1®,
My Day® and INFUSETM 3,6
OptiBlue™ Light Filter

For clarity in all lighting conditions,*2 day to night†1
* n=172.† n≥449.
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day wearers experienced
significant improvement in overall quality of vision
Since fitting ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day single vision and
multifocal I have seen enhanced comfort and exceptional
vision, especially night-time driving with all patients
OptiBlueTM light filter...
...reduces starbursts
by 23%‡4,5

...reduces light scatter by
nearly 20% on average‡4,5

...reduces halos
by 30%‡4,5

What does the OptiBlueTM Light Filter
mean for your patients?
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day wearers were
3.5× more likely to experience clear vision
during daily activities*†4
Blue-violet/high-energy visible (HEV) light is all
around us, all day, and can be emitted from LED
headlights. ‡7 ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day filters
light for patients through a blue-violet/HEV light
filter.‡3 With ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day
MULTIFOCAL, patients report that their vision was
clear enough to drive at night§2
Not all blue-violet/HEV light filters are created
equal.7 ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day has the
highest level blue-violet/HEV filter, with 60%
blue-violet/HEV light filtering to reduce light
scatter.‡‖5,6 Reducing light scatter can lead to an
improvement in visual comfort7
† Meta-analysis involving 6 studies (n=789).
‡ Filtering of HEV light by contact lenses has not been demonstrated to confer any systemic and/or ocular health benefit to the user. The Eye Care Professional should be consulted for more information.
§ n=378.
|| Versus publicly available information for standard daily use contact lenses as of June 2023.
Learn more about
OptiBlue™ Light Filter
Watch our short video demonstration to discover how ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day OptiBlueTM Light Filter Technology works
Pupil Optimised Design for Multifocal
Nearly 90% of patients report consistent vision at all distances while wearing the lenses*2
Delivering crisp, clear reliable vision at all distances, enabling your presbyopic patients to continue to see near,
far and in between2,8

"My first choice ... No need to microadjust powers in
order to improve distance or near vision"
What does Pupil Optimised
Design mean for your patients?
Wearers of ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day
MULTIFOCAL were 2.1× more likely to have
superior near vision*†9
offers built-in personalisation for patients,
providing superior visual performance‡8
Pupil Optimised Design is the ONLY
technology that uniquely optimises the
optical design to the pupil size according to
age and refractive power8
Designed for clear, crisp, reliable vision at all
Speak to your ACUVUE® Account Manager
to learn more about how Pupil Optimised
Design works
† Analysis involving one clinical study (n=143).
‡ Compared to prior JJVC multifocal design, technology optimised for both the parameters of refractive error and add power for a multitude of viewing distances and light levels.
Pupil Optimised Design
Optimised for better visual performance*8
Crisp, clear reliable vision at all distances8 - near, far and in between†2
Consistent vision in myopes and hyperopes10
* Compared to prior JJVC multifocal design, technology optimised for both the parameters of refractive error and add power for a multitude of viewing distances and light levels.† n=378.

pair of lenses at their first visit11 using the
ACUVUE® Multifocal Fitting Calculator
Why should you offer ACUVUE®
OASYS MAX 1-Day to your patients?
wearers reported excellent quality of
vision indoors and out*1
Wearers of ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day
MULTIFOCAL reported the lenses were
comfortable for as long as they wanted†2
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day Family of
Contact Lenses are built with TearStable
Technology, which reduces evaporation and
prolongs tear-film stability‡4,5
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day is our next
level contact lens:3 the first and only contact
lens to combine TearStable™ Technology and
highest level blue-violet/HEV light filter§‖5,6
Exceptional end of day comfort*1
and visual clarity in all lighting conditions†2
MAX Comfort‡1
90% report all-day
86% report reduced feeling
of tired eyes with digital

MAX Clarity‡1
Nearly 100% report clear,
reliable vision*1
>88% report clarity with
digital devices§2
Offer your patients ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day
for Sphere and Multifocal
† n=172.
‡ Versus ACUVUE® OASYS 1-Day.
§ n=378.
Watch our webinar to explore the ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day technologies
Learn more about the ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day technologies and what this can mean for your patients, including demonstrations