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Contact Lenses and Presbyopia Roundtable

Published on Nov 3, 2023
15 Minutes Read

With the opportunity so high and yet the number of multifocal contact lens fits remaining relatively low, a group comprising practitioners, academics, research and development, and market insights, came together to consider the impact of improved multifocal contact lens design & how to enhance patient satisfaction and fit success.

Download the write-up of the Presbyopia Roundtable





Important Safety Information

ACUVUE® Contact Lenses are indicated for vision correction. As with any contact lenses, eye problems, including corneal ulcers, can develop. Some wearers may experience mild irritation, itching or discomfort. Contact lenses should not be used in case of eye infections or any other eye conditions, or in case of a systemic disease that may affect the eye. For detailed product information, including contraindications, precautions and adverse reactions, please consult the Instructions for Use or visit (

